Relief Maps

Hiking : Altzueta

España Navarra - Nafarroa Baztan-Bidasoa Baztan

Map of the trail for Altzueta




7.677 km


491.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful Altzueta area, offering a challenging hike with a distance of 7.677 kilometers and an elevation gain of 491 meters, suitable for experienced hikers.

Starting at the parking area, you will begin your journey, with the Altzueta peak as one of the main points of interest along the way, located approximately 3.62 kilometers from the trail start. The peak offers stunning views and a great spot to take a break and admire the surroundings.

As you continue on the trail, you will come across a drinking water station about 1.33 kilometers from the start, ensuring you stay hydrated throughout your hike. Additionally, you will find informational points along the route, providing insights into the area's history and features, located at various points along the trail.

It is essential to bring an adequate supply of water, as well as snacks and proper hiking gear for this difficult route. Checking the weather forecast before setting out is also recommended to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience.

Overall, this circular route in Altzueta offers a challenging yet rewarding hike, with various points of interest to discover along the way. Enjoy the natural beauty of the area and make the most of this adventure-filled experience.

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