Relief Maps

Hiking : Teufeweier

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Luzern

Map of the trail for Teufeweier




1.716 km


35.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the picturesque area surrounding Teufeweier. The trail is a circular route with a total distance of 1.716 kilometers and an elevation gain of 35 meters, making it a super easy hike suitable for all skill levels. The estimated duration for this hike is 29 minutes and 5 seconds.

As you begin your journey, you will come across several points of interest along the trail. Just 0.05 kilometers from the start, you will find a parking area. Further along the trail, at 0.23 kilometers, there is a natural water feature known as Teufeweier. This tranquil spot is perfect for a rest or a scenic photo opportunity.

Midway through the hike, you will encounter a shelter at the 0.84 kilometer mark. This could be a great spot to take a break and enjoy some snacks while taking in the surrounding nature. Additionally, there are benches and a fountain at various points along the trail, providing opportunities to rest and stay hydrated.

Before embarking on the hike, be sure to pack plenty of water and check the weather forecast. It's always a good idea to be prepared for any changes in weather conditions. And don't forget to wear comfortable hiking shoes and bring along some snacks for energy.

Overall, this leisurely hike around Teufeweier offers a peaceful and scenic experience for hikers of all ages. Enjoy the beauty of nature and the tranquility of the surroundings as you explore this charming area.

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