Relief Maps

Hiking :

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Bern/Berne Arrondissement administratif du Jura bernois

Map of the trail for




13.181 km


770.0 m

This extremely difficult 13.181-kilometer circular hiking route offers a challenging adventure through a picturesque area. With an elevation gain of 770 meters, hikers can expect a strenuous but rewarding journey that lasts approximately 4 hours and 58 minutes.

Along the way, hikers will encounter various points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, about 4.17 kilometers from the start, you'll find the quaint Restaurant Mieschegg, perfect for a quick stop to refuel. Further along the trail, at 6.22 kilometers, there is a natural water source.

Additionally, you'll come across benches and information points scattered throughout the hike. These can be found at different points along the trail, providing opportunities to rest and learn more about the surroundings. A picnic site and cave entrance are also located at approximately 0.86 kilometers and 0.85 kilometers from the start, respectively.

As you continue your journey, be sure to check out the Juraweg information point at 4.17 kilometers from the start. This will give you valuable insights into the area's history and significance. Wolfsschucht, another information point, can be found at 0.79 kilometers from the start.

For those interested in nature and local landmarks, a visit to Hammerrain is a must. Located just 0.04 kilometers from the start, this location offers a unique perspective on the area.

Remember to pack plenty of water and snacks, as well as appropriate gear for the challenging terrain. Check the weather forecast before setting out and be prepared for changing conditions. And most importantly, enjoy the natural beauty and serenity of this demanding hiking route.

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