Relief Maps

Hiking : Naturschutzgebiet Holi Gass - Hohle Gasse

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Basel-Landschaft Bezirk Arlesheim

Map of the trail for Naturschutzgebiet Holi Gass - Hohle Gasse




1.438 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Naturschutzgebiet Holi Gass - Hohle Gasse. The trail is super easy, making it suitable for hikers of all levels.

As you start your journey, you will come across several water sources along the trail, perfect for refilling your water bottles and taking a refreshing break. These water points are located at various distances from the trail, with the closest one being just 0.5 kilometers from the start.

While on your hike, you will also encounter a wayside cross at 0.33 kilometers from the beginning, a picnic site, and a shelter. There are benches scattered along the route, providing you with the perfect spots to rest and take in the scenic views of the surroundings.

For those interested in history, you can visit the Altes Bruderholzdenkmal memorial slightly off the trail at 0.68 kilometers from the start. Additionally, there is a barbecue area and a drinking water point nearby to cater to your needs.

If you need a break or some sustenance, you can head to the Predigerhof restaurant located right at the beginning of the trail. This is a great spot to grab a meal or a snack before or after your hike.

Remember to bring enough water, wear appropriate hiking gear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this picturesque circular route. Enjoy your hike through the Naturschutzgebiet Holi Gass - Hohle Gasse!

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