Relief Maps

Hiking : Wachtfels

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Südliche Weinstraße Wernersberg

Map of the trail for Wachtfels




2.121 km


105.0 m

This hiking route will take you through a scenic area near Wachtfels. The trail is an out-and-back type, starting at coordinates 7.927296, 49.190096 and reaching the destination at coordinates 7.924318, 49.192268. The total distance of the hike is 21.21 kilometers with an elevation gain of 105 meters.

As you begin your hike, you will pass by a parking area, which is located right at the start point. Make sure to park your vehicle securely before you embark on your journey.

As you continue on the trail, you will come across Zur Sonne, a popular pub where you can stop for a refreshing drink or a meal. This attraction is located close to the starting point, providing a convenient spot for hikers to relax before or after their hike.

Further along the route, at a distance of 1 kilometer, you will encounter Wachtfels, a prominent rock formation with a viewpoint that offers stunning panoramic views of the surroundings. This natural attraction is a great spot to take in the beauty of the area and capture some memorable photos.

Along the way, you will also find benches where you can rest and picnic sites where you can enjoy a packed meal surrounded by nature. Information points are available to provide insights into the local area and its features.

As you traverse the trail, be prepared for a moderate level of difficulty due to the length of the hike and the elevation gain. Make sure to bring an adequate supply of water, wear comfortable hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast before setting out.

Overall, this hiking route offers a diverse range of attractions and natural beauty, making it a rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy the tranquil surroundings and the sense of accomplishment as you reach the Wachtfels destination.

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