Relief Maps

Hiking : Bianditz

Spain Navarre Larraun-Leitzaldea

Map of the trail for Bianditz




3.674 km


174.0 m

Welcome to the Bianditz hiking route! This easy 3.674-kilometer trail offers breathtaking views and historical points of interest along the way.

Starting at the parking area, you will embark on this out-and-back trail that will lead you through the beautiful natural surroundings of Bianditz. As you hike, you'll come across informative signposts such as the "PR-GI 1007 Artikutzako trenbide zaharra" and "Karramarro, Dekabilla edo frantsesen trena" that provide insights into the area's history and landmarks.

Approximately 1.5 kilometers into the hike, you'll encounter the Cromlechs Arritxulangaña 1-10, an archaeological site that adds a touch of ancient mystery to your journey. Further ahead, at around 1.44 kilometers, you'll find the Cromlech Arritxulangaña Hegoalde 1-2, offering an even deeper connection to the past.

Make sure to stop and replenish at the spring located 0.4 kilometers from the start before continuing your ascent towards the peak of Bianditz. Standing at 156.031 meters, Masuketa peak awaits intrepid hikers seeking panoramic views of the surroundings.

Although the trail is relatively easy, with an elevation gain of 174 meters, it's essential to come prepared with plenty of water and snacks. Check the weather forecast before setting out, and make sure to wear appropriate footwear for this outdoor adventure.

Whether you're a history enthusiast or a nature lover, the Bianditz hiking route offers a delightful mix of scenic beauty and cultural landmarks that will make your outdoor experience truly memorable. Enjoy your hike!

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