Relief Maps

Hiking : Montagne de Grand Rochefort

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Varces-Allières-et-Risset

Map of the trail for Montagne de Grand Rochefort




2.27 km


139.0 m

This hiking route takes you to Montagne de Grand Rochefort, a beautiful area with stunning viewpoints and natural peaks. The total distance of the route is 2.27 kilometers with an elevation gain of 139 meters, making it a moderately challenging hike.

You will start your journey at the parking area near P+R Rochefort, where you can leave your vehicle before embarking on the trail. As you hike along, you will come across a drinking water station where you can refill your water bottles.

One of the highlights of the route is the Montagne de Grand Rochefort viewpoint, located approximately 1 kilometer from the starting point. From here, you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and take in the beauty of the natural peak.

Along the way, you will also encounter several information points, including Hameau du Grand Rochefort, Le Travers, Les Mollies, La Croisée, and Le Grand Rochefort. These points provide interesting insights into the history and features of the area.

The route is an out-and-back type, meaning you will retrace your steps back to the starting point after reaching the destination. It is recommended to bring an ample water supply, wear comfortable hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast before setting out on this adventure.

Overall, this hike offers a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, and breathtaking views, making it a must-visit for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

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