Relief Maps

Hiking : Кыз-Куле-Бурун

Україна Республика Крым Бахчисарайский район городское поселение Бахчисарай

Map of the trail for Кыз-Куле-Бурун




10.169 km


189.0 m

This hiking route takes you to the beautiful area of Кыз-Куле-Бурун, offering a total distance of 10.169 kilometers with an elevation gain of 189.0 meters. The estimated duration of the hike is 2 hours and 49 minutes, making it a difficult trail due to its length and elevation.

As you start your journey, you will come across a parking area just 12.43 meters away from the trail. Approximately 4.63 kilometers into the hike, you will encounter an archaeological site, followed by another archaeological site 4.32 kilometers from the start.

Further along the trail, at 1.15 kilometers, you will find the Газы-Мансур spring. As you continue, you will pass by a campsite situated 0.96 kilometers from the starting point. Halfway through the hike, at 5.08 kilometers, you will reach the peak of Кыз-Куле-Бурун, providing a stunning viewpoint of the surrounding area.

Remember to bring an ample water supply and check the weather forecast before embarking on this challenging hike. Along the way, you may also encounter a memorial site, a cave entrance, and the fascinating Пещерный город Кыз-Кермен.

Lastly, at 4.48 kilometers, you will find a vineyard, offering a unique stop to appreciate the scenic beauty of the area. Be sure to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the Кыз-Куле-Бурун destination on your outdoor adventure.

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