Relief Maps

Hiking : Чуфут-Кале

Україна Республика Крым Бахчисарайский район городское поселение Бахчисарай

Map of the trail for Чуфут-Кале




5.83 km


252.0 m

Located in the picturesque area of Чуфут-Кале, this moderate hiking route covers a distance of 5.83 kilometers with an elevation gain of 252 meters. The duration for this hike is approximately 1 hour and 58 minutes.

The trail starts at a parking area, where users can park their vehicles. As you begin your journey, you will come across a seasonal spring named Газы-Мансур, situated 1.15 kilometers from the start. Further along the trail, you will encounter a memorial site, Военное кладбище павших в 1944, located 0.5 kilometers from the start.

Midway through the hike, at approximately 0.96 kilometers from the start, there is a campsite available for hikers to rest and relax. Additionally, at 0.19 kilometers from the start, a drinking water facility named VGA-16317 is accessible for hikers.

As you continue on the trail, you will reach the peak of Чуфут-Кале, located 2.91 kilometers from the start. This peak offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Adjacent to the peak, there is a viewpoint, as well as a hidden staircase attraction named Потайная лестница, both situated 2.91 kilometers from the start.

Towards the end of the hike, at 1.15 kilometers from the start, there is another campsite available for overnight stays, located near a spring. Lastly, at 1.02 kilometers from the start, there is a secret viewpoint offering stunning views of a nearby temple.

Before embarking on this hike, it is recommended to bring an adequate supply of water and check the weather forecast. The Чуфут-Кале hiking route is encompassed by natural beauty and historical landmarks, providing hikers with a memorable and rewarding experience.

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