Relief Maps

Hiking : Łosek

Poland Żywiec County

Map of the trail for Łosek




5.01 km


286.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Łosek. The 5.01-kilometer trail offers a moderate level of difficulty, with an elevation gain of 286 meters, making it a great option for hikers looking for a bit of a challenge.

As you start your hike, you will come across some parking areas near the trail, making it convenient for travelers to access the starting point. Just 0.01 kilometers into the hike, you will encounter a wayside cross, adding a touch of historic charm to your journey.

About 1.79 kilometers in, you will find Studenckie Schronisko Turystyczne "Chatka Lasek", an alpine hut where you can take a rest and enjoy some refreshments before continuing on your way. The hut offers amenities and a website for more information.

The highlight of the hike is reaching the peak of Łosek, located 2.51 kilometers into the trail. The peak offers stunning views and a sense of accomplishment for hikers. Make sure to take in the scenery before heading back on the out-and-back route.

Before embarking on this hike, be sure to bring plenty of water, as the trail can be challenging at times. Additionally, check the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Enjoy your hike to Łosek!

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