Relief Maps

Hiking : Cascade Isolée

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Saint-Pierre-d'Entremont

Map of the trail for Cascade Isolée




2.811 km


210.0 m

This easy 2.811-kilometer circular hiking route will take you through the beautiful surroundings of Cascade Isolée.

Starting at the trailhead, you'll pass by La Cascade, a bar located 0.27 kilometers from the start, where you can grab a quick refreshment before continuing on. Further along the trail at 0.16 kilometers, you'll find Le Châlet du Cirque de Saint-Même, a restaurant where you can enjoy a meal with a view.

As you make your way through the hike, you'll come across various points of interest. At 1.15 kilometers, you'll find Pont Drugey, an information point providing insights into the surrounding area. Midway through the hike at 1.4 kilometers, you'll reach Cascade Isolée, a picturesque waterfall worth a visit.

Along the trail, you'll also encounter Maquisards memorial at 0.16 kilometers, Réserve Naturelle Hauts de Chartreuse information point at 0.16 kilometers, and Sentier des Cascades information point at 1.4 kilometers.

With an elevation gain of 210 meters, this route offers a mild challenge suitable for hikers of all levels. Remember to bring enough water, check the weather forecast before heading out, and enjoy the serene beauty of Cascade Isolée on this delightful hiking adventure.

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