Relief Maps

Hiking : Sentier du Fond du Cirque - Sentier du Fond du Cirque - Saint-Pierre-d'Entremont

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Saint-Pierre-d'Entremont

Map of the trail for Sentier du Fond du Cirque - Sentier du Fond du Cirque - Saint-Pierre-d'Entremont




0.868 km


0.0 m

Located in the breathtaking region of Saint-Pierre-d'Entremont, the Sentier du Fond du Cirque hiking route offers a super easy trail for hikers to enjoy. This out-and-back trail spans a distance of 0.868 kilometers with minimal elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all levels.

As you embark on this scenic journey, you'll come across several points of interest along the way. At the beginning of the trail, you'll find convenient parking facilities to start your adventure. As you continue, you'll encounter "La Cascade," a charming bar located 0.37 kilometers from the start, where you can take a break and admire the natural beauty of the surroundings.

Further along the trail, at 0.16 kilometers from the start, you'll find "Le Châlet du Cirque de Saint-Même," a cozy restaurant where you can refuel and relax before continuing your hike. Additionally, at 0.43 kilometers from the start, there is a water point for you to replenish your supply and stay hydrated.

For those interested in learning more about the area, informational points such as "Pont Drugey," "Cirque de Saint-Même," and "Le Cirque de Saint-Même" provide insight into the history and natural heritage of the region. You'll also come across a memorial dedicated to the Maquisards, honoring their bravery and sacrifice.

Throughout the trail, benches are strategically placed for hikers to rest and take in the picturesque views. Remember to bring an ample water supply, comfortable hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast before setting out on this leisurely hike.

Whether you're seeking a peaceful stroll or a brief escape into nature, the Sentier du Fond du Cirque offers a delightful hiking experience with a touch of charm and tranquility.

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