Relief Maps

Hiking : Hohlberg

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Karlsruhe

Map of the trail for Hohlberg




1.183 km


0.0 m

This hiking route at Hohlberg offers a super easy trek through the beautiful surroundings. Starting at the parking area near Malscher Weg, hikers will follow the trail past informational points like Glasäcker and NordicWalking-Routen. About midway through the hike, there is a picnic site where you can take a break and enjoy the scenery.

As you continue on, you'll reach the peak of Hohlberg, which offers stunning panoramic views of the area. The peak is located about 0.59 kilometers from the start of the trail.

This out-and-back route covers a distance of approximately 1.183 kilometers with no significant elevation gain, making it a great option for hikers of all skill levels. Remember to bring plenty of water, especially on warm days, and check the weather forecast before heading out.

Enjoy your hike at Hohlberg and take in the sights along the way!

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