Relief Maps

Hiking : Notre Dame de Vouise - Voiron

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Voiron

Map of the trail for Notre Dame de Vouise - Voiron




1.745 km


168.0 m

This hiking route will take you to Notre Dame de Vouise in Voiron. The area is known for its beautiful natural landscapes and historic landmarks.

As you start your journey, you will pass by a parking area where you can leave your vehicle before beginning the hike. The route will lead you towards the Col de la Cou, a picturesque saddle in the area. As you continue on, you will come across the historic wayside cross and the artwork "Notre-Dame de Vouise."

Along the way, you will also encounter the memorial Statue de Notre-Dame de Vouise and the viewpoint where you can enjoy stunning panoramic views of the surroundings. Make sure to stop by the spring and take a refreshing break before reaching your destination.

One interesting point of interest is the Grotte de la Marie Bâton, a cave entrance that adds a sense of adventure to the hike. Don't forget to also visit the Source de la Marie Bâton, another natural spring that you will pass by during your journey.

This out-and-back route covers a distance of 1.745 kilometers with an elevation gain of 168 meters, making it a moderately challenging hike. Make sure to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this scenic adventure. Enjoy the beauty of Notre Dame de Vouise and the surrounding area on this rewarding hike.

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