Relief Maps

Hiking : Houtveldweg - Houtveldweg

Netherlands North Holland

Map of the trail for Houtveldweg - Houtveldweg




1.086 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the scenic area of Houtveldweg, where you can enjoy a leisurely walk surrounded by nature. The trail is super easy, making it suitable for all skill levels.

Along the way, you will come across several points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you will find a water feature just 0.01 kilometers from the start. As you continue, you will pass by more water features, benches, and information points at different distances from the trail.

Midway through the hike, there are options for parking and bicycle parking. There are also dining options such as Subway, Lagom Grand Café, and Fūdo Sushi for a delightful culinary experience. Additionally, you can find facilities like shelters and more benches for resting along the trail.

General hiking tips for this route include bringing water, especially as there are several water features along the way. It's also recommended to check the weather forecast before heading out to ensure a pleasant hiking experience.

Enjoy your hike on the Houtveldweg trail surrounded by the beauty of nature and the convenience of various amenities along the way.

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