Relief Maps

Hiking : Чамны-Даг

Ukraine Sevastopol

Map of the trail for Чамны-Даг




10.692 km


450.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Чамны-Даг! This challenging 10.692-kilometer out-and-back trail will take you through breathtaking natural landscapes and offer some interesting points of interest along the way.

Starting at the parking area, you will head towards the trail where you will pass by a picturesque picnic site, Место отдыха "Пещера Скельская", just 0.02 kilometers from the start. As you continue along the trail, you will come across a refreshing spring, Исток реки Чёрная, located 0.95 kilometers from the beginning.

Midway through the hike, at approximately 4.18 kilometers from the start, you will reach Нижний Кара-Даг, a beautiful saddle offering panoramic views of the surroundings. Further along the trail, at 5.23 kilometers from the start, you will find a stunning viewpoint, perfect for taking in the panoramic vistas.

At the turnaround point, 5.35 kilometers from the start, you will reach Чамны-Даг, a majestic peak that offers a challenging climb and rewarding views at the top. Nearby, you can also explore the memorial site, Место первоначального захоронения лейтенанта Терлецкого.

Throughout the hike, be sure to stay hydrated and pack plenty of water as the trail can be strenuous. Check the weather forecast before embarking on your journey and wear appropriate footwear for the rugged terrain. Enjoy the natural beauty and serenity of the Чамны-Даг hiking route!

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