Relief Maps

Hiking : Naturschutzgebiet Seiglermatten - Seiglerweg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Basel-Landschaft Bezirk Arlesheim

Map of the trail for Naturschutzgebiet Seiglermatten - Seiglerweg




1.818 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the stunning Naturschutzgebiet Seiglermatten area, offering a super easy trek with no elevation gain. As you begin your journey, you will come across a parking area just 0.08 kilometers from the starting point. Following the trail, you will pass by a convenient parking spot right on the trail at the beginning.

As you venture further, at around 0.4 kilometers into the hike, you'll encounter Wiesner's Beeriland, a charming farm offering a variety of local produce. This is a great spot to take a break and maybe even taste some local specialties. Continuing on, at 0.91 kilometers, you will find a water source, perfect for refilling your bottles and staying hydrated throughout the hike.

Additionally, there is a drinking water station around 0.08 kilometers from the start, providing another opportunity to refill your supplies. These points of interest are strategically placed along the trail for your convenience.

This out-and-back route is perfect for hikers of all levels, with a total distance of 1.818 kilometers. Remember to bring plenty of water, snacks, and to check the weather forecast before heading out. Enjoy your adventure in the Naturschutzgebiet Seiglermatten - Seiglerweg!

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