Relief Maps

Hiking : Fuchslochweg - Fuchslochweg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Solothurn Amtei Bucheggberg-Wasseramt

Map of the trail for Fuchslochweg - Fuchslochweg




0.61 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the Fuchslochweg trail in the beautiful area of Fuchslochweg. This hike is a super easy out-and-back route with a total distance of 0.61 kilometers and no elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all skill levels.

As you start your journey, you will come across a water feature just 0.05 kilometers from the trail. This spot offers a tranquil setting to rest and take in the surrounding nature. Further along the path, at the 0.31 kilometer mark, you will find another water source for refilling your water bottles.

Around the same distance, there is a bench where you can take a break and enjoy a snack while taking in the scenic views of the area. Additionally, there is a parking area at the beginning of the trail, making it convenient for visitors to access.

Before setting out on this hike, make sure to bring an adequate water supply, as there are limited facilities along the trail. It is also advisable to check the weather forecast before heading out to ensure a safe and enjoyable hike.

Overall, the Fuchslochweg trail offers a leisurely walk through nature, with plenty of opportunities to relax and appreciate the surroundings. Enjoy your hike!

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