Relief Maps

Hiking : С-071214 - С-071214

Ukraine Zakarpattia Oblast

Map of the trail for С-071214 - С-071214




14.767 km


298.0 m

This extremely difficult hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with a distance of 14.767 kilometers and an elevation gain of 298 meters. The total duration of the hike is approximately 4 hours and 9 minutes.

Starting at the trailhead, you will encounter several points of interest along the way. Approximately 7.27 kilometers into the hike, you will find a water source located just 60 meters from the trail. As you continue onwards, at around 7.07 kilometers into the hike, another water source will be accessible, this time just 32 meters off the trail.

On the return journey, at about 7.36 and 7.38 kilometers from the start, you will encounter two more water sources located just a short distance from the trail, providing a refreshing break for hikers.

Additionally, there are various parking areas along the route, with the closest one being 0.3 kilometers from the start. A restaurant named "Саламандра" can also be found nearby, making it a great spot to replenish your energy before or after the hike.

Given the length and elevation gain of this hike, it is recommended to bring an ample water supply, snacks, and to check the weather forecast before setting out. Proper hiking gear and sturdy footwear are also essential for this challenging trek. Enjoy the scenic views and natural beauty that this trail has to offer.

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