Magyarország Közép-Magyarország Budapest
This hiking route starts in a beautiful area near the Budavári Palota (Buda Castle) in Budapest, Hungary. The route is a circular one, and the destination is the A Buzogány-torony és a Ferdinánd-kapu (Buzogány Tower and Ferdinand Gate).
As you start your hike, you will pass by various points of interest along the way. These include the Várkert Bazár - Lépcsőpavilon (Castle Garden Bazaar - Staircase Pavilion), Római katonai erőd romjai (Ruins of a Roman military fort), Török sírok (Turkish graves), Dózsa György memorial, Mátyás király kertje, emlékoszlop (Garden of King Matthias, memorial column), and many more.
The trail is approximately 574.0 kilometers long with no significant elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all levels. However, it is always advisable to carry water, wear appropriate hiking gear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on the hike.
Enjoy the stunning views and historical landmarks along the way as you make your way to the A Buzogány-torony és a Ferdinánd-kapu, which serves as the perfect endpoint for this scenic hike.