Relief Maps

Hiking : Refuge de Rochassac

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Saint-Baudille-et-Pipet

Map of the trail for Refuge de Rochassac




7.327 km


408.0 m

This hiking route takes you to the stunning area near the Refuge de Rochassac in France. The route is an out-and-back type, so you will return to the starting point after reaching the destination. The total distance of the hike is 7.327 kilometers with an elevation gain of 408 meters.

As you start your journey from the starting point, you will pass by a parking area which is located right at the beginning of the trail. Make sure to park your vehicle securely before starting the hike.

Along the way, you will come across a drinking water point, located at a distance of 3 kilometers from the starting point. It is advisable to refill your water bottles here to stay hydrated throughout the hike.

One of the highlights of the route is the Décollage parapente de Courtet, a takeoff site for paragliding enthusiasts, located at the start of the trail. You can witness the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape from this point.

Your ultimate destination, the Refuge de Rochassac, is situated at an elevation of 1690 meters and is 3 kilometers away from the starting point. This alpine hut provides a picturesque setting for a rest or picnic before you head back on the trail.

Due to the length of the hike and the elevation gain, this route is considered to be of moderate difficulty. It is recommended to wear appropriate hiking gear, bring an adequate supply of water, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure.

Enjoy the scenic beauty and serenity of the area as you hike to the Refuge de Rochassac and back.

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