Relief Maps

Hiking : Cascade de Craponoz

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Cascade de Craponoz




3.833 km


312.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Cascade de Craponoz! This moderate 3.833-kilometer trail offers a delightful outdoor experience in the beautiful surroundings of the area.

As you start your journey, you will come across Château de Craponoz, a historic castle located 0.86 kilometers from the trail. Take a moment to admire the architectural beauty before continuing on. Along the way, you will find several water bodies, perfect for a refreshing break. The first water point is 0.46 kilometers from the trail, followed by one at 0.86 kilometers and another at 1.03 kilometers.

Midway through the hike, at 1.92 kilometers from the start, you will reach the stunning Cascade de Craponoz waterfall. Take in the majestic sight and pause for a moment to enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you.

For your convenience, there are parking facilities available at various points along the trail. The closest parking lot is just 0.02 kilometers away, with others situated at different intervals. Remember to bring plenty of water and snacks for the hike, as well as suitable footwear and clothing for the terrain.

Before embarking on this adventure, be sure to check the weather forecast and plan accordingly. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a nature enthusiast, the hike to Cascade de Craponoz is sure to offer a memorable and invigorating experience. Enjoy your journey!

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