Relief Maps

Hiking : Tischleralm

Italia Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Bolzano - Bozen Ahrntal - Valle Aurina

Map of the trail for Tischleralm




8.554 km


707.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful alpine landscape near Tischleralm. The trail has a total distance of 8.554 kilometers and an elevation gain of 707 meters, making it a moderate difficulty hike.

You will start your journey at the parking area (0 km from the start) where you can leave your vehicle before beginning the hike. Make sure to bring enough water and snacks for the hike, and check the weather forecast before setting out.

As you start your hike, you will pass by the Kreuzwirt restaurant (1 km from the start) where you can stop for a meal or a quick break. Continuing on, you will come across Tischleralm, an alpine hut (4 km from the start) where you can rest and enjoy the magnificent views of the surrounding mountains.

The circular route will take you back to your starting point, giving you a complete hiking experience in this picturesque area. Enjoy the fresh mountain air and the sounds of nature as you explore this stunning alpine landscape.

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