Relief Maps

Hiking : Hochfluh

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Uri Seelisberg

Map of the trail for Hochfluh




3.343 km


221.0 m

Located in the beautiful region of Hochfluh, this hiking route offers spectacular views and a variety of interesting points of interest along the way. The trail is an out-and-back route starting at an elevation of 829 meters and leading to the destination of Hochfluh at 1043 meters.

As you begin your hike, you'll come across the picturesque Schiebenboden picnic site, perfect for a relaxing break in nature. Continuing on, you'll reach the Schiller-Balkon viewpoint, where you can enjoy stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Further along the trail, you'll encounter the Sonnenberg information point, providing valuable insights into the area's history and natural features. As you climb higher, you'll find the Känzeli and Oberkänzeli viewpoints, offering even more breathtaking vistas.

For those in need of a rest, benches can be found at various points along the route, such as Hochfluh and other locations. Additionally, there are fountains where you can refill your water bottle and stay hydrated during your journey.

With a total distance of 3.3 kilometers and an elevation gain of 221 meters, this hike provides a moderate challenge suitable for hikers of all levels. Be sure to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before setting out on this memorable adventure in the Hochfluh region.

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