Relief Maps

Hiking : ARA Burgdorf Fraubrunnen - Neuhofstrasse

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Bern/Berne Verwaltungskreis Emmental

Map of the trail for ARA Burgdorf Fraubrunnen - Neuhofstrasse




0.748 km


0.0 m

Located in ARA Burgdorf Fraubrunnen - Neuhofstrasse, this super easy hike offers a leisurely stroll through the picturesque surroundings.

Starting your journey, you will pass by several water bodies, with the first one located just 0.13 kilometers from the beginning of the trail. Further along the route, at around 0.37 kilometers, you will encounter more water features, some of which are located off-trail.

For the convenience of hikers, there are parking facilities available right at the start of the trail, making it easy to access. Additionally, a bench is situated at approximately 0.37 kilometers from the beginning, providing a nice spot to rest and enjoy the serene ambiance.

As this hike is relatively short with minimal elevation gain, it is suitable for beginners and families. However, it is always recommended to bring an adequate water supply and check the weather forecast before setting out on the trail.

Whether you are a nature enthusiast or simply looking for a peaceful outing, this out-and-back route at ARA Burgdorf Fraubrunnen - Neuhofstrasse promises a refreshing and rejuvenating experience amidst the natural beauty of the area.

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