Relief Maps

Hiking : Forhölzliweg - Uster

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Zürich Bezirk Uster Uster

Map of the trail for Forhölzliweg - Uster




1.101 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the Forhölzliweg - Uster hiking route!

This hiking trail takes you through the beautiful area of Uster, offering stunning views and serene surroundings. The route is an out-and-back type, starting at coordinates 8.729641, 47.349397 and ending at 8.733995, 47.351088.

As you begin your journey, you will find parking facilities nearby for your convenience. Make sure to bring enough water and snacks for the hike, as well as checking the weather forecast before heading out.

Along the way, you will come across several points of interest, including viewpoints and benches where you can take a rest and admire the scenery. These POIs are scattered throughout the route, providing opportunities to soak in the tranquility of nature.

The total distance of the hike is 11.01 kilometers, with no elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all levels. Whether you are a beginner looking for a leisurely stroll or an experienced hiker seeking a peaceful escape, the Forhölzliweg - Uster trail has something to offer for everyone.

So lace up your hiking boots, grab your gear, and get ready to explore the picturesque landscapes of Uster on this delightful outdoor adventure!

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