Relief Maps

Hiking : Furggeli-Hütte

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Schwyz Schwyz Sisikon

Map of the trail for Furggeli-Hütte




7.259 km


421.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area around Furggeli-Hütte, starting at an elevation of 1302 meters and reaching a destination at 1731 meters. The total distance of the route is 7.259 kilometers, with an elevation gain of 421 meters, making it a moderate level hike in terms of difficulty.

As you start your journey, you will pass by various points of interest, including restaurants such as Sternegg, Hotel Klingenstock, Restaurant Balmberg, Kurt's Beizli, and CASCHU ALP Boutique Design Hotel, where you can rest and enjoy some local cuisine.

Along the way, you will also find useful facilities such as parking areas and information points like Stoos and Furggeli, where you can learn more about the area and its attractions. Additionally, you will come across benches where you can take a break and soak in the stunning views.

At the end of your hike, you will reach the destination of Furggeli-Hütte, an alpine hut where you can relax and possibly spend the night. Before embarking on this hike, make sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and check the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Enjoy your hike in this picturesque mountainous region!

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