Relief Maps

Hiking : Sommet de Sigaud - Lagorce

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Ardèche Lagorce

Map of the trail for Sommet de Sigaud - Lagorce




6.549 km


199.0 m

This hiking route will take you to the beautiful area of Sommet de Sigaud in Lagorce. The trail is an out-and-back type, starting at coordinates 4.396934, 44.407123 and ending at coordinates 4.388618, 44.430952. The total distance of the route is 6.549 kilometers with an elevation gain of 199 meters.

As you begin your hike, you will come across various points of interest along the way. Near the starting point, you will find a castle, providing a glimpse into the historic past of the area. You may also spot the Office de tourisme de Vallons-Pont-D'Arc, where you can gather more information about the region.

Throughout the hike, you will encounter several restaurants and eateries offering sustenance such as La Rocaill, Le Grilladin, Le Coconut, and more. There are also viewpoints like Le Montecristo where you can pause and take in the scenic views.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable hike, remember to bring an adequate water supply, wear appropriate hiking gear, and check the weather forecast before setting out. With a moderate difficulty level based on the length and elevation gain, this hike offers a rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy the journey and the natural beauty that Sommet de Sigaud - Lagorce has to offer!

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