Relief Maps

Hiking : Sonntagsalm

Austria Salzburg Bezirk Zell am See

Map of the trail for Sonntagsalm




9.022 km


246.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful alpine landscapes to the Sonntagsalm hut. The trail starts at a parking area conveniently located at the beginning of the route.

As you hike along the trail, you will come across a refreshing water source around the 2.5 kilometers mark. It's a good spot to take a break and refill your water bottles.

Further along the trail, at around the 3 kilometers mark, you will find Das Krafthaus, an information point where you can learn more about the surrounding area.

The Sonntagsalm hut is the main destination of this route, located approximately 4.5 kilometers from the starting point. You can enjoy a well-deserved rest at the hut before heading back.

With a total distance of 9.022 kilometers and an elevation gain of 246 meters, this hike is rated as difficult. Make sure to bring enough water, snacks, and proper hiking gear. Don't forget to check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure!

Overall, this out-and-back hiking trail offers a challenging yet rewarding experience in the alpine region. Enjoy the stunning views and serene nature surroundings along the way.

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