Relief Maps

Hiking : Combe du jas du Four

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Combe du jas du Four




17.484 km


1576.0 m

This hiking route in the area of Combe du jas du Four is an extremely difficult 17.484 kilometers out-and-back trail with an elevation gain of 1576 meters. The estimated duration for this challenging hike is around 7 hours and 59 minutes, so be prepared for a long and strenuous journey.

As you embark on this adventure, you will come across several points of interest along the way. About 5.94 kilometers from the start, you will find Lac Blanc, a picturesque lake perfect for a rest stop and some beautiful views. Further along at 5.75 kilometers from the start, there are more water features to enjoy, including unnamed bodies of water that add to the scenic beauty of the trail.

At 7.88 kilometers from the start, you will reach Col de Freydane, a notable saddle that offers a unique vantage point of the surrounding landscape. This is a great spot to take a breather before continuing on the trail.

Conveniently located at the beginning of the trail is Parking du Pré Molard, where you can park your vehicle before starting your hike. Along the way, you will also encounter Parking Pré Comté, Le Pleynet, and Pré Comté for additional parking options and information about the area.

To replenish your water supply, make sure to stop by Source de Font du Clos, located just 0.06 kilometers from the start of the trail. It's essential to stay hydrated during this long and challenging hike.

Before embarking on this journey, it's important to check the weather forecast and ensure you have an adequate supply of water and snacks. The difficult terrain and length of this route require proper preparation and fitness level.

Overall, this hiking route offers a rewarding challenge for experienced hikers looking to explore the stunning natural beauty of Combe du jas du Four. Enjoy the breathtaking views and immersive wilderness experience as you conquer this demanding trail.

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