Relief Maps

Hiking : Arche dans la roche


Map of the trail for Arche dans la roche




0.216 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to "Arche dans la roche", located in a beautiful area surrounded by natural wonders. This out-and-back trail offers stunning views and a variety of points of interest along the way.

As you begin your hike, you will come across "Les jardins d'Endieu", a climbing area known for its unique rock formations. This spot is perfect for climbers looking to test their skills. Further along the trail, you will reach a viewpoint that offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, providing a perfect photo opportunity.

As you continue on, you will pass by a cave entrance, adding a sense of adventure to your journey. Be sure to explore this natural wonder if you're feeling adventurous. Along the route, you will also find a water source, so be sure to stay hydrated throughout your hike.

The trail starts at a parking area, providing easy access for hikers. The route is an out-and-back type, with a total distance of 216.0 kilometers. Although the elevation gain is minimal, the length of the hike may pose a moderate challenge. It is advisable to bring plenty of water, snacks, and to check the weather forecast before setting out on this adventure.

Overall, the hike to "Arche dans la roche" offers a mix of natural beauty, outdoor excitement, and unique attractions for hikers of all levels. Enjoy the journey and take in the breathtaking scenery along the way.

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