Relief Maps

Hiking : Cascade de L'Oule

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Cascade de L'Oule




6.257 km


801.0 m

This hiking route will take you on a 6.257-kilometer journey with an elevation gain of 801 meters, making it a difficult but rewarding trek. The trail is an out-and-back route that leads to the stunning Cascade de L'Oule.

Starting at Château Robert, which is about 400 meters from the trailhead, you will pass by various points of interest along the way. About 2.62 kilometers into the hike, you will come across Décollage FFVL Est, a popular site for free flying. As you continue, you'll encounter Décollage FFVL Nord at 2.99 kilometers into the hike, followed by a cafe called Le Chamois at 2.72 kilometers.

Midway through the hike, at around 3.13 kilometers, you will reach several via ferrata routes, including Via Ferrata - Le Grand Dièdre, L'Échelle des Maquisards, Via Ferrata - Liaison, Vire des Lavandières, L'Éperon du Belvédère, La Vire à Vélo, Le Chemin de Ronde, and more. These routes offer opportunities for adventurous climbers to test their skills on the rocky terrain.

Along the trail, you will also find informational points, drinking water stations, picnic sites, and benches for resting and enjoying the views. It is important to bring an ample water supply, as the hike can be strenuous due to its length and elevation gain. Additionally, always check the weather forecast before embarking on this hike, as conditions can change rapidly in mountainous regions.

As you approach the endpoint at Cascade de L'Oule, be sure to take in the breathtaking waterfall and savor the sense of accomplishment from completing this challenging hike. Whether you're a seasoned hiker looking for a new adventure or a nature enthusiast seeking stunning views, this route offers a memorable experience in the great outdoors.

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