Relief Maps

Hiking : Kienberghütte - Baiersbronn

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Freudenstadt Baiersbronn

Map of the trail for Kienberghütte - Baiersbronn




5.361 km


168.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route from Kienberghütte to Baiersbronn! This beautiful area offers stunning views and diverse natural surroundings for you to explore.

Starting at Kienberghütte, the trail will lead you through picturesque landscapes with a total distance of 5.361 kilometers. Along the way, you will encounter various points of interest:

- Ellbachhütte: This shelter is located right at the start of the hike, providing a convenient spot for picnicking or resting.
- Kienberghütte: After 2 kilometers, you will reach another shelter where you can take a break and enjoy the surroundings.
- Kienberg: At 2 kilometers away, this viewpoint offers a wheelchair-accessible vantage point to admire the scenery.
- Grünes Plätzle: Parking area and picnic site to rest and refuel along the trail.
- Gutellbachwegle: Information point highlighting the local area's natural and cultural significance.
- Filseckles-Brunnen: A natural spring to replenish your water supply.
- Wald und Wasser: Information point showcasing the forest and water features of the area.
- Marienwegle: Information spot detailing the historical context of the region.
- Various benches and picnic spots along the way for relaxing breaks.

The route is an out-and-back type, starting at an elevation of 670 meters and reaching 860 meters at Baiersbronn. The total elevation gain is 168 meters, with a moderate difficulty level due to the length and elevation changes.

Remember to bring plenty of water, snacks, and comfortable hiking gear. Check the weather forecast before embarking on the journey and be prepared for changing conditions. Enjoy the hike and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Kienberghütte - Baiersbronn!

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