Relief Maps

Hiking : Rugghubelhütte SAC

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Obwalden Engelberg

Map of the trail for Rugghubelhütte SAC




13.052 km


967.0 m

Located in the stunning Swiss Alps, the hiking route to Rugghubelhütte SAC offers breathtaking views and a challenging but rewarding trek for outdoor enthusiasts. The trail is an out-and-back type, starting at an elevation of 1315 meters and reaching the destination at 2287 meters. With a total distance of 13.05 kilometers and an elevation gain of 967 meters, this hike is of moderate difficulty.

As you embark on your journey, you will pass by various points of interest along the way. Within the first 2 kilometers, you will come across Älplerbeizli Rigidalstafel, a quaint restaurant where you can refuel and enjoy some local cuisine. Further along the path, at a distance of 4 kilometers, you will find Planggenstafel, an information point providing insights into the area's history and wildlife.

For those in need of water, there are multiple drinking water points scattered along the route, ensuring you stay hydrated throughout your hike. Additionally, make sure to check the weather forecast before setting out and pack plenty of water and snacks to keep your energy levels up.

As you near the end of the trail, you will reach the beautiful Rugghubelhütte SAC, an alpine hut where you can rest and admire the stunning panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Take some time to relax, refuel, and soak in the natural beauty before beginning your journey back.

Before you head out on this adventure, remember to wear sturdy hiking boots, dress in layers, and carry a map or GPS device. With its mix of natural beauty and challenging terrain, the hiking route to Rugghubelhütte SAC promises an unforgettable alpine experience.

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