Relief Maps

Hiking : Hochwacht

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Zug Zug

Map of the trail for Hochwacht




0.738 km


42.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Hochwacht! Hochwacht is a beautiful area known for its stunning viewpoints and peaks. The route is an out-and-back trail with a total distance of 7.38 kilometers and an elevation gain of 42 meters.

You will start your journey at the parking area near the trailhead. Make sure to check the forecast before embarking on this hike and bring plenty of water to stay hydrated.

As you begin your hike, you will pass by the Hochwacht viewpoint, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. This is a great spot to take a break and enjoy the scenery before continuing on.

Further along the trail, you will reach the peak of Hochwacht, where you can take in breathtaking views from an even higher vantage point. Take your time here to soak in the beauty of the area.

Along the route, you may also come across information points where you can learn more about the natural and cultural significance of the area.

The terrain of this hike is moderate, suitable for hikers of all levels. The trail is well-maintained, but be prepared for some inclines and uneven surfaces.

After reaching the Hochwacht peak, you will retrace your steps back to the starting point, completing the out-and-back journey.

Overall, this hike offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and outdoor adventure. Enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings and the sense of accomplishment as you explore Hochwacht.

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