Relief Maps

Hiking : Känzeli

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Luzern Rigi Kaltbad

Map of the trail for Känzeli




10.034 km


961.0 m

This hiking route in the area of Känzeli offers a challenging yet rewarding outdoor experience. With a total distance of 10.034 kilometers and an elevation gain of 961 meters, this hike is estimated to take around 3 hours and 35 minutes to complete.

Starting at the parking area near Känzeli, hikers will first pass by the Känzeli viewpoint, located 5 kilometers from the starting point. This viewpoint offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, making it a perfect spot to take in the beauty of the area.

Throughout the hike, hikers will come across several picnic sites where they can take a break and enjoy a meal amidst nature. These picnic sites are located at various distances from the starting point, providing convenient resting spots along the route.

For those interested in learning more about the area, there are information points scattered along the trail. These points provide valuable insights into the history and significance of the surroundings, making the hike not only physically rewarding but also educational.

It is important for hikers to come prepared with an ample water supply, especially during the summer months. Additionally, checking the weather forecast before embarking on the hike is recommended to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

As this route is an out-and-back trail, hikers will make their way back to the starting point after reaching the destination at Känzeli. The endpoint offers stunning views and a sense of accomplishment after completing the challenging hike.

Overall, this hiking route is suitable for those looking for a moderate to difficult outdoor adventure, with various points of interest along the way adding to the overall experience. So lace up your hiking boots, pack some snacks, and get ready to explore the beauty of Känzeli on this rewarding hike.

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