Relief Maps

Hiking : Abzweig Dimbacher Falkenstein - Dimbach

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Südwestpfalz Dimbach

Map of the trail for Abzweig Dimbacher Falkenstein - Dimbach




1.238 km


69.0 m

The Abzweig Dimbacher Falkenstein hiking route is located in the beautiful area of Dimbach, in the Naturpark Pfälzerwald. This out-and-back trail offers a total distance of 1.238 kilometers with an elevation gain of 69 meters, making it a moderate hike suitable for all skill levels.

Starting at the Dimbach parking area, hikers will find useful information about the trail at the Wanderparkplatz K53 information point. From there, the route leads to the Abzweig Dimbacher Falkenstein, where a bench is available for hikers to take a break and enjoy the surroundings.

As you continue along the trail, you will come across the Dimbacher Buntsandstein Höhenweg information point, providing insights into the geological features of the Falkenstein area. Two viewpoints, Falkenstein and Geologische Grundlagen, offer panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, rewarding hikers with stunning vistas.

It is important to bring an ample water supply and check the weather forecast before embarking on this hike. The trail is well-marked, but sturdy hiking shoes are recommended due to some uneven terrain. With a duration of approximately 21 minutes, this hike is perfect for a short outdoor adventure in the natural beauty of the Pfälzerwald region.

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