Relief Maps

Hiking : Pointe des Fragits

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Upper Savoy

Map of the trail for Pointe des Fragits




10.514 km


901.0 m

This hike takes you through a beautiful area with stunning views and challenging terrain. The route is an out-and-back trail with a total distance of 10.514 kilometers and an elevation gain of 901 meters, making it a difficult hike that will test your endurance.

Starting at the parking area located at the beginning of the trail, you will make your way towards the first point of interest, La Joux de la Tête, which is located at 4.61 kilometers from the start. This peak offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and is a great spot to take a break and enjoy the scenery.

Continuing on, you will pass by Pointe des Bouts at 4.2 kilometers from the start, Pointe des Fragits at 5.26 kilometers, and another peak at 4.42 kilometers. These peaks offer their own unique vantage points and are perfect for photo opportunities.

Along the way, you will also come across a fountain located just 0.03 kilometers from the start, a wayside cross at 0.5 kilometers, and an information point at 0.12 kilometers. These points of interest provide insight into the history and natural beauty of the area.

As you make your way back to the starting point, be sure to stay hydrated and prepared for the challenging terrain. It is recommended to bring plenty of water, snacks, and to check the forecast before embarking on this hike due to its length and elevation. Enjoy the journey and take in the breathtaking views along the way!

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