Relief Maps

Hiking : Chemin de Rachu

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Chemin de Rachu




3.589 km


295.0 m

Welcome to the Chemin de Rachu hiking route! This moderate difficulty out-and-back trail spans 3.589 kilometers and boasts an elevation gain of 295 meters, offering a rewarding outdoor experience.

Starting at the designated parking area, hikers will traverse through picturesque landscapes and lush greenery. Along the way, you will encounter several points of interest that add to the allure of the journey.

Approximately 1.67 kilometers from the start, you'll reach the breathtaking Montagne d'Entrevernes peak, offering panoramic views of the surrounding area. Continuing on, at around 1.32 kilometers from the beginning, you'll come across the scenic Col de la Cochette saddle, providing a great spot to rest and admire the stunning scenery.

As you approach the 1.77 kilometer mark, be sure to visit the viewpoint at 8829662352, where you can take in the awe-inspiring sights that stretch out before you. Just a bit further along the trail, at 1.79 kilometers, another viewpoint awaits at 8829662351, providing yet another opportunity to capture the beauty of the landscape.

It's recommended to bring an ample water supply and to check the weather forecast before embarking on this hike. With its moderate difficulty level, this trail is suitable for hikers of varying experience levels and promises a memorable outdoor adventure. Enjoy your trek along the Chemin de Rachu!

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