Relief Maps

Hiking : Route de Bellerive - Route de Bellerive

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Jura District de Delémont

Map of the trail for Route de Bellerive - Route de Bellerive




2.251 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you along the Route de Bellerive, offering a leisurely and easy walk with no elevation gain. The 2.25 kilometer trail is an out-and-back type, so you will retrace your steps on the way back.

Starting at the trailhead, you'll find convenient parking spaces within a few meters of the trail. As you make your way along the route, about 1.13 kilometers in, you'll come across a water source. It's a great spot to rest and refill your water bottle.

Further along, at the same distance point, there is a viewpoint off the trail offering a panoramic vista of the surrounding landscape. A historic wayside cross and a bench are also located nearby, providing a perfect place to take in the views and enjoy a break.

Given the short distance and flat terrain, this hike is suitable for beginners and families with children. Remember to bring plenty of water, as there are limited facilities along the trail. Additionally, it's always recommended to check the weather forecast before heading out.

Enjoy a relaxing walk along the Route de Bellerive, taking in the natural beauty and historical landmarks along the way.

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