Relief Maps

Hiking : Croix de Carrelet - Villard-Notre-Dame

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Villard-Notre-Dame

Map of the trail for Croix de Carrelet - Villard-Notre-Dame




3.511 km


334.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Croix de Carrelet in Villard-Notre-Dame. This out-and-back trail covers a distance of 3.511 kilometers with an elevation gain of 334 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

The starting point of the trail is located at the coordinates 45.036147, 6.019782, at an elevation of 1684 meters. The area offers convenient parking facilities, making it easy for hikers to access the trailhead.

As you begin your hike, you will come across the historic Wayside Cross known as Croix du Carrelet, located just 1 meter from the starting point. This beautiful landmark serves as a cultural and historic point of interest along the trail.

Continuing along the route, you will encounter a viewpoint offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding natural landscape. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the area and capture some memorable photos.

Further along the trail, you will reach the Col du Solude, a natural saddle point that provides a unique geographical feature to the hike. Information boards are available at this location, offering insights into the natural and cultural heritage of the area.

As you progress on the trail, you will pass by additional points of interest including Les Maisons du Loup and Sous le Carrelet, each offering valuable information about the area's history and heritage.

Finally, the destination of Croix de Carrelet awaits you at an elevation of 2043 meters, marked by another historic Wayside Cross. Take some time to rest on the benches provided and soak in the picturesque surroundings before heading back along the same trail.

Before embarking on this hike, be sure to bring an adequate water supply, wear sturdy hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Enjoy your hike to Croix de Carrelet in Villard-Notre-Dame!

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