Relief Maps

Hiking : Naturschutzgebiet Herzogenmatt - Allmendweg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Basel-Landschaft Bezirk Arlesheim

Map of the trail for Naturschutzgebiet Herzogenmatt - Allmendweg




1.841 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Naturschutzgebiet Herzogenmatt, starting and ending at Allmendweg. The trail is a circular route with a total distance of approximately 1.841 kilometers and no elevation gain, making it super easy in terms of difficulty.

Along the way, you will come across various points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you will find several parking areas as well as picnic sites and benches for resting. As you continue on the hike, you will also encounter multiple water sources, perfect for refilling your water bottle.

Midway through the trail, there are more benches and information points where you can take a break and learn more about the area. Towards the end of the hike, you will find a BBQ area where you can enjoy a meal in nature.

Remember to bring plenty of water, especially on hot days, and check the weather forecast before heading out. This leisurely hike is perfect for families and beginners looking to enjoy a peaceful walk in a scenic environment. Enjoy your time exploring Naturschutzgebiet Herzogenmatt!

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