Relief Maps

Hiking : Gletschergarten-Turm

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Luzern

Map of the trail for Gletschergarten-Turm




0.573 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a picturesque area near Gletschergarten-Turm. The trail is super easy, making it suitable for hikers of all skill levels. Along the 0.573 km route, you will come across various points of interest:

- At the beginning of the trail, you will find a parking area with a fee.
- Midway through the hike, you will encounter a water feature.
- Near the start, there is the Bourbaki Panorama restaurant, offering a nice dining option.
- Further along the trail, you will discover the Löwendenkmal monument.
- On the way back, you can stop at the Tassnim Orient Take-Away restaurant for a quick bite.
- You will also find cozy cafes like Heini, Café Sowieso, and Molini along the trail.

Remember to bring enough water and check the weather forecast before embarking on this hike. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and the various amenities available along the trail!

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