Relief Maps

Hiking : Forsthaus Morschbacherhof - Frankeneck

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Frankeneck

Map of the trail for Forsthaus Morschbacherhof - Frankeneck




3.737 km


154.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Forsthaus Morschbacherhof - Frankeneck. The trail starts at an elevation of 277 meters and covers a distance of 3.737 kilometers with an elevation gain of 154 meters. The duration of the hike is approximately 59 minutes.

As you embark on this out-and-back trail, you will come across several points of interest along the way. Just at the beginning of the route, you will find a water source, perfect for refilling your water bottle. As you continue, you will encounter benches where you can take a rest and enjoy the surroundings. A viewpoint offers a great spot to take in the scenic views of the area. Keep an eye out for historic boundary stones that add character to the trail.

One of the notable landmarks along the hike is the Morschbacherhof, where you can find information about the area. Additionally, there is a parking area available at the starting point for your convenience.

Due to the moderate length and elevation gain of the hike, it is recommended to bring an adequate supply of water and wear comfortable hiking shoes. Check the weather forecast before heading out and make sure to stay on the designated trail at all times for your safety.

Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and the natural beauty as you hike through the Forsthaus Morschbacherhof - Frankeneck area!

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