Relief Maps

Hiking : Fluehüttli - Selzach


Map of the trail for Fluehüttli - Selzach




1.85 km


81.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Fluehüttli - Selzach! This scenic trail is an out-and-back route with a total distance of 18.5 kilometers and an elevation gain of 81 meters. The estimated duration of the hike is approximately 30 minutes.

Starting at the parking area near the coordinates 7.426513, 47.228813, you will begin your journey towards Fluehüttli - Selzach. The trail offers breathtaking viewpoints along the way, perfect for taking in the beautiful surroundings. The first point of interest you will encounter is a viewpoint, located right at the beginning of the hike.

As you continue along the path, you will come across drinking water stations to refill your bottles and stay hydrated. It's important to bring an adequate amount of water with you, as some parts of the trail may not have access to drinking water.

Further ahead, you will find informative signs providing details about the area's history and natural features. These information points offer a deeper understanding of the surroundings and enrich your hiking experience.

The endpoint of the trail is Fluehüttli - Selzach, situated at coordinates 7.427981, 47.22799, with an elevation of 1082 meters. Here, you can rest and enjoy the peaceful ambiance before heading back the way you came.

Before embarking on this hike, make sure to check the weather forecast and pack essentials such as comfortable hiking shoes, a map, snacks, and sunscreen. With its moderate length and elevation gain, this hike is suitable for hikers of various skill levels. Enjoy the journey and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Fluehüttli - Selzach!

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