Relief Maps

Hiking : Sous le Rocher Culasson - Vers La Barrière - Livet-et-Gavet

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Livet-et-Gavet

Map of the trail for Sous le Rocher Culasson - Vers La Barrière - Livet-et-Gavet




5.118 km


391.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the picturesque area of Sous le Rocher Culasson, Vers La Barrière, Livet-et-Gavet. With a total distance of 5.118 kilometers and an elevation gain of 391 meters, this route is considered to be of moderate difficulty.

Starting at the trailhead, you will first pass by Lac de Poursollet, a beautiful water body located just 0.26 kilometers from the start. As you continue on the trail, you will come across several points of interest. Midway through the hike, at approximately 2.56 kilometers from the start, you will find Lac Fourchu, another stunning lake surrounded by natural beauty.

Along the way, you will also encounter various water bodies and informational points such as Pied du Petit Taillefer, Dessus des Sagnes, and Sous le Rocher Culasson. These points provide insight into the area's history and geography, making your hike not only physically rewarding but also intellectually stimulating.

It is advisable to bring an ample water supply and check the weather forecast before embarking on this journey. Additionally, be prepared for some challenging terrain due to the elevation gain. Whether you are a casual hiker or a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, this route offers a memorable experience for all nature lovers.

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