Relief Maps

Hiking : Forsthaus Kehr Dich An Nichts - Bad Dürkheim

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Bad Dürkheim

Map of the trail for Forsthaus Kehr Dich An Nichts - Bad Dürkheim




4.976 km


297.0 m

This hiking route takes you from Forsthaus Kehr Dich An Nichts to Bad Dürkheim, offering a variety of attractions and viewpoints along the way. The total distance of the route is 4.976 kilometers with an elevation gain of 297 meters, making it a moderate-level hike suitable for all skill levels.

You will start your journey at the Alte Schmelz parking lot, where you can conveniently leave your vehicle before beginning the hike. From there, you will pass by the Ruine Wachturm Murrmirnichtviel, a historic attraction located 2 kilometers into the hike. This will be a great spot to take a break and explore the ruins.

As you continue on the trail, you will come across a scenic viewpoint at a distance of 2 kilometers, offering panoramic views of the surrounding area. Make sure to stop and take in the breathtaking scenery before moving on.

Along the route, you will also encounter the Murrmirnichtviel peak, a natural landmark located 2 kilometers away. This will be a challenging but rewarding part of the hike, where you can test your hiking skills and enjoy the stunning views from the top.

For facilities and amenities, there are benches scattered along the trail for resting, as well as the Alte Schmelz restaurant where you can refuel with some delicious food and drinks. There are also information points such as Forsthaus Kehr Dich An Nichts and Hammelskopf where you can learn more about the area's history and wildlife.

Remember to bring plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate gear for the hike. Check the weather forecast before setting out and wear comfortable hiking shoes. With its diverse attractions and moderate difficulty level, this hiking route offers a rewarding outdoor experience for nature lovers and hikers of all levels.

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