Relief Maps

Hiking : Restaurant Grosser Mythen - Schwyz

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Schwyz Schwyz Schwyz

Map of the trail for Restaurant Grosser Mythen - Schwyz




5.853 km


366.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the stunning region near Restaurant Grosser Mythen in Schwyz. The trail is an out-and-back type, starting at an elevation of 1098 meters and reaching a high point of 1472 meters. The total distance of the route is 5.853 kilometers, with an elevation gain of 366 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is approximately 1 hour and 46 minutes.

As you begin your hike, you will pass by a convenient parking area right at the starting point. Be sure to check the weather forecast before heading out and bring plenty of water with you. The first point of interest along the trail is Restaurant Grosser Mythen, located 2 kilometers from the start. This is a great spot to grab a meal or a snack before or after your hike.

Further along the route, at a distance of 1 kilometer, you will come across Berggasthaus Holzegg, another restaurant where you can refuel and enjoy some local cuisine. Additionally, there are several information points and viewpoints along the way, offering insights into the area's history and stunning vistas of the surrounding landscape.

The trail passes by Alpwirtschaft Brunnialp, a restaurant located at the midway point of the hike. Here you can take a break and enjoy the serene mountain atmosphere. As you continue on, you will encounter a climbing spot at Holzegg, 2 kilometers from the start. This could be a challenging yet rewarding experience for those looking to test their climbing skills.

Throughout the hike, you will also find benches and drinking water stations, providing opportunities to rest and stay hydrated. Be sure to take in the breathtaking views of Gr. Mythen and the Brunni area as you make your way along the trail.

Overall, this route offers a moderate level of difficulty due to its length and elevation gain. It is important to be prepared and have the necessary gear for a safe and enjoyable hiking experience. Whether you are a seasoned hiker or just starting out, this trail provides a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Schwyz region.

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