Relief Maps

Hiking : Eiswoog Stumpfwaldbahn - Ramsen

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Donnersbergkreis Ramsen

Map of the trail for Eiswoog Stumpfwaldbahn - Ramsen




0.869 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Eiswoog Stumpfwaldbahn in Ramsen. The trail starts at a convenient parking area. As you begin your journey, you will pass by several water features, providing a serene and peaceful atmosphere along the way.

As you continue on the trail, make sure to take a moment to enjoy the viewpoints that offer stunning vistas of the surrounding landscape. A restaurant called "seehaus forelle" is also located along the route, where you can stop for a bite to eat and take a break before continuing on your hike.

Information points are scattered throughout the trail, providing interesting facts about the area and guiding you along the way. You will also come across the ruins of the Eistalviadukt, adding a touch of history to your outdoor adventure.

This out-and-back route is approximately 8.7 kilometers long and has minimal elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all levels. Make sure to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this hike.

Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and natural beauty as you explore the Eiswoog Stumpfwaldbahn area on this picturesque hiking trail.

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