Relief Maps

Hiking : Prechtaler Schanze - Elzach

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Emmendingen Elzach

Map of the trail for Prechtaler Schanze - Elzach




3.191 km


193.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route from Prechtaler Schanze to Elzach. This route offers a mix of historical sites, natural beauty, and stunning viewpoints.

The hike starts at Prechtaler Schanze, an archaeological site with ruins dating back to ancient times. You can explore the remains of the fortifications and learn about the history of the area. From there, you will pass by Höhengasthaus Landwassereck, a restaurant where you can grab a bite to eat or a drink before continuing your journey.

As you hike along the trail, you will come across several information points where you can learn more about the area's history and landmarks. Make sure to stop at Landwassereck Parkplatz for a quick break and to enjoy the scenery.

Along the way, you will also find benches where you can rest and take in the surrounding nature. Don't forget to refill your water bottle at one of the drinking water stations to stay hydrated throughout the hike.

The trail offers a moderate difficulty level with a total distance of 3.19 kilometers and an elevation gain of 193 meters. It is an out-and-back route, so you will retrace your steps back to the starting point at Prechtaler Schanze.

Before embarking on the hike, make sure to check the weather forecast and pack plenty of water and snacks. With its mix of historical sites, stunning viewpoints, and natural beauty, the hike from Prechtaler Schanze to Elzach promises to be a memorable adventure. Happy hiking!

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